Harnessing the power of yoga for women


Women have always been an integral part of yoga, and led ritual, and devotional practices.

The life force energy is considered the creative force in yoga ( called Shakti ), the energy that brings all things into physical form.


This energy is radiant and powerful, it is not passive but active and creative.


Yoga helps us to appreciate the body we have, and who we are in our essence.


Yoga peels away the layers of who we think we should be. 


Yoga has the power to help you to recognise the Shakti ( which means both goddess and power) within you… 


I learnt my own way of what felt right in the yoga space and what didn't when I began to practice, over two decades ago many participants were women but there were many times when it just didn't feel right to practice in the way I was being guided to, so instead I decided to listen to what felt right for me.


Through this experimentation and observation,...

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